Jackson Pelot

Graphing Calculator Model

This is a model of a Texas Instrument’s TI-84 Plus CE Graphing Calculator created in Fusion 360. (The model below is interactable!)

I have owned on of these since high school and have loved it ever since. Being able to write small programs on it to solve formulas in math class is what first got me into the world of software development.

I payed homage to this increasingly disregarded peice of technology by making it the subject of a final project in a 3D modeling class.

Close up of calculator

My goal for this project was to make an as accurately-dimensioned representation as possible. My personal calculator as well as online images were used as reference.

The process of creating this model made me learn more about Fusion360 than I did in the rest of my time in the class. I am very happy with how it turned out and being able to add Fusion360 to my prototyping toolbag has been priceless.

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